Test #13 – Listening Grading Rubric

Use the chart below to determine your score in the listening section.

There are only 28 questions in this section, but the highest raw score might be different. Questions that require multiple answers, usually in the form of tables, are worth two points.

For questions with two choices, if two choices are correct, you get one point. If one of the choices is incorrect, you earn zero points for the given question.

If you correctly filled out the given table, award yourself two points. If you made one mistake in the table, award yourself one point. If you made two mistakes or more, you earned zero points for the given question.

Raw Points Score Estimate Raw Points Score Estimate Raw Points Score Estimate
28 30 18 20 8 9
27 29 17 18 7 8
26 28 16 17 6 7
25 27 15 16 5 5
24 26 14 15 4 4
23 25 13 14 3 3
22 24 12 13 2 2
21 23 11 12 1 1
20 22 10 11
19 21 9 10