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Articles about the TOEFL® Test

Here you can find useful information on all 4 sections of the TOEFL® test.

What you need is a free and complete TOEFL practice test with an answer key that explains the answer to each question and provides speaking responses and essay samples,

Plus 100s of additional TOEFL practice questions for free.

Don’t know where to go for updated practice questions?

Well, look no further.

Our listening practice provides 100 FREE practice questions from academic lectures. These are the exact type of questions you need to practice so you can be ready for anything on TOEFL test day.

TOEFL® Speaking Questions

TOEFL® Reading Summary Questions

If you struggle with TOEFL Summary questions in the reading section, you’re not alone.

They come at the end of almost every passage and unlike other TOEFL question types, you have to find three correct answers, not just one.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to answer TOEFL Reading summary questions step-by-step. We’ll show you how to recognize a prose summary question, how to manage your time, and how to eliminate incorrect choices.

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