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Ready to download the PDF version of your complete TOEFL sample test?

Well here it is: Free and Complete TOEFL Practice Test with Answer key and sample responses  to inspire you so you can know what to expect on test day.

Sample questions and
real student answers
designed to help you improve

Finding speaking examples is hard.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of answers for every TOEFL Speaking question type in order to help you improve.

You don’t have to go through the lessons and practice materials alone. We guide you towards learning smart and simple with interactive video lessons available anytime!

The key to your English learning success is… practice, so we made sure you have updated PDFs with hundreds of sample questions, vocabulary tips and tricks and so much more!

The best way to improve your skills is through practice.

And, most importantly, build your confidence for test day.

Try out our multiple 100-question samples of the of 500-question  TOEFL Practice Packs.

These 100 questions are composed of nine different TOEFL Reading question types.

Holi Celebration Sale. Get 50% OFF Courses and Practice Materials until Mar 17th click here