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Todd uses his natural empathetic nature to understand your needs and design a study plan that leads to TOEFL success.

While Todd can teach all sections of the TOEFL, he specializes in the TOEFL Writing, giving you the feedback you need to improve your score by building your grammar and vocabulary.

Todd Stuchiner

Todd Stuchiner is a professional teacher from New York City. He has over 15 years of experience and three degrees including a TESOL, a B.F.A in Creative Writing and a Master’s degree in Education. He has taught English in Korea, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Germany. Along with teaching TOEFL, he is currently a Senior Teacher and Mentor with Say ABC English School.

Todd is affectionately known as, “Teacher by day, comedian by night.” He is a professional comedian and no stranger to time limits, nor improvisation. Although Todd teaches all sections of TOEFL, he is commonly requested by students who want to maximize their speaking and writing scores. Todd uses his unique skills as well as TST’s proven methods to help students craft responses with advanced structure, grammar and vocabulary. While vocabulary may sometimes be boring, class with Todd is certainly not!

Todd currently lives in Berlin where he spends his spare time raising his two children, teaching online, and working on his comedy.

TOEFL® Teacher

Todd provides private lessons for committed students who find themselves struggling to find the time at home to organize their studies and focus. Todd uses his natural empathetic nature to understand your needs and design a study plan that leads to TOEFL success.

Duolingo English Test® Teacher

If you need to go from a production score of between 80-110 and earn a 120 or higher then DET classes with Todd are a perfect fit. While he can help with every single available question type, Todd specializes in helping students improve their speaking and writing skills for a better production score.